
  1. Mix powdered spices with a little water until a paste is formed.
  2. Cut chicken into 1cm3 pieces.


  1. Heat two tablespoons of oil in frying pan until bubbling on 4.
  2. Add spices and cook for a couple of minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Add ¼ cup of water and boil until it gets a little thick-ish.
  4. Add chicken and fry for 5-8 minutes.
  5. Add ½ cup of water, cover and cook for about 10 minutes on maximum (6) until almost dry.  If water is not gone after 10 minutes, remove lid and continue to cook until it has.  Stir occasionally to avoid meat sticking to pan and burning.


Serve with plain boiled Basmati rice and Pepper Water.