Chop up your 2 carrots
Halve your 2 bulbs of garlic
Roughly chop 2 onions
Add all of your chopped veggies into an oven tray / roasting tin. If you have a wire rack that goes inside pop that over the top of the veggies.
Pour some olive oil over the beef joint along with some salt and pepper then rub it all in using your hands so it's all smothered and massaged 👀
We want to get a nice sear all over the meat so add the joint to a screaming hot pan.
Once it's nice and brown pop the joint on top of the bed of veggies and stick it in the oven.
Once its had its time in the oven take the meat out and cover it in tin foil
You can then use the veggies and the juices left in the oven tray to create your gravy!